Depth First Search in Graph

2 min readMay 30, 2021


A depth-first traversal of a graph is similar to a depth-first traversal of a tree. The only difference in a graph is you can visit the same node twice through a different path. Let’s see the below example

Directed Graph

There are 2 possible ways to reach C. One via A and the other via D. So what we infer from here is a graph may contain cycles, so we might end up visiting the same nodes again and again. An ideal data structure to store the visited nodes without duplicates will be a Set.

In depth-first traversal, whenever we visit a Node, we visit all its neighbouring nodes before we proceed to the next. In the above graph when we start a DFS with node A, we add A to the visited set. Now we can go to either B or C as they both are A’s connected neighbours. If we visit B, we add it to the visited set which now contains[A, B]. As per DFS, we cannot go back to C, as we are not yet done visiting all the neighbours of B. So we visit D which is the next neighbour of B and add it to the set which looks like [A, B, D]. Now D has one connected neighbour which is C and we add to it the visited set[A, B, D, C]. Now finally when we go back to visit the left out neighbour of A which is C, it is already present in the visited set and yeah we are done with the depth-first traversal with our graph :)


Below is a code snippet of a depth-first approach using recursion in JAVA

public void depthFirstTraversal(String root) {
Node node = nodes.get(root);
if (node == null)
depthFirstTraversal(node, new HashSet<Node>());
private void depthFirstTraversal(Node node, Set<Node> visitedNodes) {
//Step-1: add the current node to the visited set
//Step-2: get all the neighbours of the current node
for (Node connectedNode : adjacencyList.get(node)) {
if (!visitedNodes.contains(connectedNode))
//Step-3: recursive call to visit all its neigbours
depthFirstTraversal(connectedNode, visitedNodes);

Cheers :)

